Artificial Intelligence (AI) or Extended Logical Intelligence (ELI)
Artificial Intelligence (AI) as the name suggests it is some kind of new technology which has intelligence like human being, which can sense the problem and react to avoid or solve the same. As a curious person of information technology (IT), whenever we hear the word artificial intelligence one question come to our mind that, is it a completely new technology or the evolution of the previous way of working of IT. Should we call it an artificial intelligence or extended logical intelligence. Is it very different from the normal IT logical programs or it holds the same basics at the core.
Just to mention first time I heard this word in a Hollywood movie named MATRIX released in year 1999. The word AI is used in the conversation between Neo and Morpheus though in a negative sense.
I am trying to provide a different perspective of Artificial Intelligence a simple one. So, the new learners can understand the technology at its core.
Let’s understand the difference of working of traditional logical program with Artificial intelligence. To start with the traditional one will name as Logical intelligence (LI) and then we will extend the argument for Artificial Intelligence (AI).
Any IT program works on three basic principals
1. Input
2. Logical interpretation of Input or processing of Input and
3. Desired Output based on first two.
This can be represented by the following equations -
Y = f(X), where X is the input and Y as the desired output.
f(X) is called the logical processing of Input which results in the desired output.
As per the equation, output is heavily dependent on the Input provided in above equation. If we improve the quality of Input, it will directly result in better output.
With the evolution of different technologies, we have improved the way to collect Input data to the program. The earlier methods of collecting data was very manual but now there are lot of technologies available which can translate any Input-output in digital format. One example of that is different kind of sensors to measure temperature, count numbers, differentiate lights etc. with these sensors it has improved the flexibility of collecting data and removed the manual efforts. Now with the same logical intelligence, systems can improve the output with improved Input from sensors. It also improved the process design in automation as well as added the extra intelligence in the same logical program.
Now let’s talk about the Artificial Intelligence, if we have to derive the formula for Artificial intelligence, it will be as below.
Y = f (X+dx)
Where X+dx is the improved input, which is required for the program to provide output,
'dx' (delta x) is the part which are generated by learning experience over time. The Artificial intelligence technology kept in the testing for significant time to collect 'dx'. This 'dx' also called as additional intelligence to capture the little variations first so that the outcome is modified. As time passes the program will automatically identify the delta part and include in the original program.
For example, of House heating devices equipped with Artificial intelligence
1. The room heating device is made for a temperature and it depends on outside environment. If the outside environment is colder more heating water flow is required and vice versa. Here outside temperature is the X and temperature inside the house is Y and there will be device which will be designed for the same.
2. In artificial intelligence scenario, a separate input device is installed which will record other parameters like number of people in the house, their activity level, electronics devices being used in the house. As these things can impact the temperature outcome. Based on this the delta input the device output is customized.
3. Now the machine is intelligent enough to regulate itself based on additional input. It can regulate the flow automatically and make it more comfortable for the residents.
This is the simplest example I can think to explain artificial intelligence. In this case delta is being considered in program by using the separate devices. But in the core its same programming logic which works. If we call Artificial intelligence as extended logical intelligence or Logical Intelligence, it will not be wrong.
For 2nd example we have taken the Search Functionalities on google in your smartphone.
Sometimes delta ‘x’ is captured from other input source (related or unrelated) to be used in Logical program and the artificial intelligence can be applied.
1. The technological advancement started with the function of search based on your input in the search field means you need to type your search keyword and the program will find the output as you need, if the search is not satisfactory you may change the keyword and try again. In this case x becomes input and Y becomes the output and the equation as Y=f(X) holds true.
2. Next steps google has the feature of voice search and picture intelligence search where we use the voice record and camera for taking the input. This takes the input and converts it in the digital format which is like typing the keyword in 1st step. With this digital input it suggests the outcome to the user. This is the technological advancement of taking input, but the functionality works on the same core equation of Y=f(X).
3. Now in case of artificial intelligence your smartphone has already captured all of your behavioral patterns and knows your likes and dislikes about any topic due to the user’s keyword used in social media platforms. This is the delta which we are talking about in the equation of artificial intelligence. Now if we start to search for anything it will not only use the regular input through different medium like keyword typing or voice or picture. But it will also use the delta from different social media platforms to get the desired results. There are high chances that users are more satisfied with the outcome in this case. Here Y= f (X+dx).
It seems that Logical intelligence (LI) and Artificial Intelligence works on the same principal of Input and Output. But delta x (dx) can make a huge difference if it is identified and captured in the Logical intelligence.
Whether it is Artificial or Logical both has the same core i.e. intelligence Y=f(X+dx). And we are using the artificial intelligence all the time because nothing is natural in this case (neither now nor in the past).
If we keep the core in mind it will become easy to understand the different Artificial intelligence technologies which are used for the industrial and other purposes.
Some of them are as below: -
· Machine Learning
· Internet of things
· Block chains
· Big data Analytics
· Data Intelligence
Although these are different names but are working on the same principals Y=f(X+dx). They only differ on how they are collecting dx part from the environment they work and improve output. Artificial Intelligence has additional benefit because it works on instant feedback mechanism and historical learning. In this case we are not relying on one time programming capabilities but keep the chance of further improvement.
Improvement is the key.
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