Automation Vs Efficiency - 1

In today's world of digitization each industry is talking about the automation of their business processes and putting effort and money towards automation. Many companies are investing a lot of money in bringing the new and intelligent technology towards automation and efficiency of the processes.

 But before deciding the automation strategy, we need to evaluate each business process and milestone for the readiness towards automation.

 As an individuals who was the part of the similar automation initiatives. Wanted to list down some perspective before deciding on the automation. In fact wanted to convey the message that not all automation will bring efficiency in the business process. In the analysis one may find the processes which need to be left for manual intervention for user to be involved in the process. Automation will not bring operational efficiency in each scenario.

 Many a time we think on the high level that automation can be brought to the processes but when we analyze at the transaction level the process might not be ready for the automation. There is still some details at the transaction level which are decided based on the scenario and pre-conditions, and these scenario and pre-conditions are manual decisions. In this case automation will disrupt the whole ecosystem and bring down the efficiency. These complexity of deciding the output and input based on pre-conditions hinder the process of automation.

 As each processes will have input criteria, pre-conditions and Output. we need to find the necessity of pre-condition and input to decide the output of the processes. To make it simple we can categorize all the activities in end to end processes in following ways. 

1.    Strategic activities

2.    Operational Activities

3.    Administrative Activities

These are done on the basis of Input, output and pre-conditions involvement and this will help in understanding the automation which will bring efficiency in the process. 

In the next blog, we will discuss each type of activities in details for the simplicity of the understanding. Our analysis is mostly based on the Sourcing, procurement and logistic process but same analysis can be extended to all other processes.

After automation only industry can think of intelligent technology application in the process as next steps till then keep working on the automation.


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